Online Art
11 Gennaio 2021 2021-05-27 15:51Online Art
#1 Learning Website for Artists
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Art courses taught by the world's best artists
Corso diisocianati
2 ore
Questo corso affronta le parti generale, intermedia e avanzata che come previsto dalla normativa riguarda i seguenti argomenti: — chimica dei diisocianati. — pericoli di tossicità (compresa tossicità acuta). — esposizione ai diisocianati. — valori limite di esposizione professionale
Formazione aggiornamento lavoratori e-learning
6 ore
Tutti i livelli
4 ore
Gestire la relazione con la clientela a rischio ludopatia.
Prenotazione CORSO SAB: Somministrazione di Alimenti e Bevande.
130 ore
Ottenere abilitazione per la vendita e somministrazione di alimenti e bevande,
PRENOTAZIONE: Corso lavori in quota e DPI 3 cat
8 ore
Tutti i livelli
Provvedere efficacemente alla formazione del personale sull’uso dei dispositivi di protezione e delle attrezzature che si utilizzano per la sicurezza nei lavori in quota.
Corso base addetti al settore alimentare in e-learning
1 Lesson
3 ore
Il corso HACCP ha l’obbiettivo di istruire tutti i lavoratori dell’intero settore alimentare, perciò tutti gli operatori delle imprese che trattano direttamente o indirettamente gli alimenti, attivi quindi nei processi di produzione, trasformazione, confezionamento, trasporto, distribuzione e somministrazione degli alimenti e/o bevande.
Frequently Asked Questions
Which courses are included with my subscription?
Edumall is intended to be highly responsive and customizable for site building process. Thanks to its devoted, fastidious, and compact design, Atomlab can be considered among plenty of unique themes that serve to create highly responsive websites.
Are the video courses downloadable?
Edumall is intended to be highly responsive and customizable for site building process. Thanks to its devoted, fastidious, and compact design, Atomlab can be considered among plenty of unique themes that serve to create highly responsive websites.
What do I need to get started?
Edumall is intended to be highly responsive and customizable for site building process. Thanks to its devoted, fastidious, and compact design, Atomlab can be considered among plenty of unique themes that serve to create highly responsive websites.
Do I get feedback or critiques?
Edumall is intended to be highly responsive and customizable for site building process. Thanks to its devoted, fastidious, and compact design, Atomlab can be considered among plenty of unique themes that serve to create highly responsive websites.
See What Our Students Have To Say
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Amazing customer support so far, working well with a theme that's so easily customisable...
Working with @EduMall is like having a family member who can fix everything. They know what you need, exactly when you need it.
Solomon Jeeva
/ Student, ManchesterAmazing customer support so far, working well with a theme that's so easily customisable...
Working with @EduMall is like having a family member who can fix everything. They know what you need, exactly when you need it.
Robert Prickett
/ Student, ManchesterAmazing customer support so far, working well with a theme that's so easily customisable...
Working with @EduMall is like having a family member who can fix everything. They know what you need, exactly when you need it.